For Congregations

The Saint Paul Area Synod walks with congregations on their ministry journeys. That may include providing guidance during a call process or when reviewing a constitution, helping discern future ministry as well as supporting staff and lay leaders.

Job Openings

Whether you’re looking for a church-relation position or want to post an opening, we can help!


Call Process

The ELCA call process engages congregations and church-related organizations in thoughtful assessment and spiritual discernment of how God may be calling them together in ministry. Our revised call process materials will walk you through every step!


Interim Ministry

At any given time, about a quarter of the congregations in the synod are in some fort of transition; interim ministry is an essential part of building a foundation for the future.


Forms & Reports

A variety of forms and reports are regularly needed by rostered ministers and congregation leaders for records management, governance, synod records, mission support and congregational life. Find them here!


Congregational Vitality

Who are we called to be at this time and place? That’s the question that congregations wrestle with when they engage with the congregational vitality process around vision/mission/goal setting, spiritual gift assessments, stewardship training and more.


Constitution Review Process

Ensuring that your congregation’s constitution is up-to-date is an important part of your life together. The review process is a time of careful consideration of how your congregation is church in your setting. The synod has resources to help you keep this essential document in the best possible order.


Children, Youth & Family Ministry

The Saint Paul Area Synod and the Minneapolis Area Synod partner to support, encourage, enhance and develop Children, Youth and Family (CYF) Ministry in our congregations. We offer regular events, learning opportunities, and meet-and-greets, as well as being a resource for all things CYF.


Synodical Women’s Organization

The Saint Paul Area Synodical Women’s Organization seeks to mobilize women to act boldly in their faith in Jesus Christ. Participants receive the Bridges newsletter, have access to Women of the ELCA materials and gather for events throughout the year.