Synod Directory & Pulpit Supply

Synod Directory

The Synod Directory is published for use by rostered ministers in our synod. This document lists all of the rostered ministers and congregations, synod council and committees, frequently used contacts and more. The list is password protected. A new password was emailed to the roster on July 1, 2024. Please contact the synod office if you need assistance in accessing the list.

We make every attempt for accuracy with the directory. Any errors or changes should be brought to the attention of Leslie Ortiz, 651-224-4313 or

Pulpit Supply

The Pulpit Supply list contains names of rostered ministers who are typically available on Sunday mornings for fill-in assistance. You may wish to begin with the following:

  • Brandon Newton
  • Jennifer Schneider (deacon)
  • Wendy Vie Trittin

Their contact information, along with additional names of candidates awaiting call and retirees, is available on the Pulpit Supply List. This list is password protected. A new password was emailed to the roster on July 1, 2024. Please contact the synod office if you need assistance in accessing the list.

If you are rostered in our synod and are interested in being added to the pulpit supply list, email with your name, phone number and email and roster status.

ELCA “Find a Person” Search Tool

If you are seeking to connect with an ELCA leader in another synod, try a search on the ELCA website using the People filter option.