Become a Pastor / Deacon
“Candidacy” is the term for the process of preparation and formation for Word and Sacrament (pastors) or Word and Service (deacons) ministry in the ELCA. The Candidacy Committee of each synod oversees the candidacy process, in partnership with the Christian community and leadership home area of the ELCA.
During the candidacy process, a strong partnership between the candidate, congregation, candidacy committee, seminary, and the ELCA is essential for a formative experience. This partnership demonstrates the connection with the wider church in discerning and preparing for a call to rostered ministry leadership.
Candidacy Committee
The Candidacy Committee of the Saint Paul Area Synod partners with candidates throughout the formation process and helps them to navigate the expectations and standards of the roster they seek. The committee will meet formally with candidates for entrance, endorsement and approval decisions, as well as for informal times of connection. The committee consists of pastors, deacons and lay members of congregations from across the synod.
Interested in Pursuing Candidacy?
If you are interested in pursuing candidacy, please contact Deacon Krista Lind at or 651-224-4313.