Call Process

A transition in called leadership is one of the most generative and exciting times for a congregation. It is also one of the times when anxiety and uncertainty are highest. Whether you are preparing to call a new pastor or a deacon, know that the synod will support you and guide you in your transition.

The Saint Paul Area Synod has a new Call Process Manual for congregations. It’s divided into four sections to correspond with the four phases of transition. Each phase of the Call Process Manual is designed to be downloaded separately as appropriate to where your congregation is on its call process path.

Click an image below to view and download each section of the Call Process Manual: 

Rostered minister announces they are leaving

Interim pastor begins; Transition Team develops Ministry Site Profile

Call Committee works to identify and recommend a new rostered minister

Call issued: new pastor is welcomed

Ministry Site Profile

Pastors, deacons, congregations, and church-related organizations will find mobility forms that have been “designed and crafted to work together with a churchwide mobility database that will store the forms.” The Ministry Site Profile (MSP) may be accessed at

The Ministry Site Profile (MSP) is designed for use by congregations and church-related organizations. It focuses attention on the mission opportunities of that ministry site and allows for reflection on the way the ministry site perceives itself in relation to its calling and its context. The ministry site will have space to be creative in its presentation and the opportunity to write a summary description of its setting and needs. Information from the MSP will be used to create a narrative snapshot of the ministry opportunity, suitable for posting on the web. This form requires an outside recommendation and also provides for optional reflections that will allow the site to enhance their profile. The “Guide to the MSP” is a helpful tool for the writing team.

Other ELCA Call Process Tools

The ELCA provides tools for the management of the call process, and at the same time, encourages pastors, deacons and ministry sites to focus on mission, while allowing for creativity, reflection, and initiative. These tools are found and best explored on the ELCA website at

An Invitation to Partner

Whether you are a ministry site faithfully moving through a time of transition or a pastor or deacon prayerfully listening to the stirrings of the Spirit, the synod staff is available to help you during the call process. We only ask that you thoughtfully assess and spiritually discern how and where God is calling you into mutual ministry for the sake of the mission and ministry of the church. If you have questions about using these forms or the process, please contact Deacon Krista Lind at or at 651-224-4313.