As our faith informs our day-to-day lives, Lutherans recognize that “faith is active in love [and] love calls for justice in relationships and structures of society” (ELCA, Social Statement on Church in Society, 1991).

We know the church is called to be a community that prays, deliberates, and acts together when it comes to complex social issues. In this election year, how might our Lutheran faith shape our thinking, acting, and voting on major issues? The ELCA, in partnership with United Lutheran Seminary, invites you to learn and ponder its timely social teachings and to learn tips for leading discussions in your own community. All sessions are 6:00-7:30 p.m. (Central time).

  • June 25: An Introduction to Social Teachings with Dr. Roger Willer, director of theological ethics for the ELCA
  • Aug. 27: Corporate Social Responsibility with Rev. Kaari Reierson, director of corporate social responsibility for the ELCA
  • Sept. 10: Abortion with Dr. Caryn Riswold, professor of religion/McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission at Wartburg College
  • Sept. 24: Faith, Sexism and Justice with Dr. Mary Streufert, director, Gender Justice and Women’s Empowerment, and Heather Dean, program coordinator, Theological Discernment, ELCA
  • Oct. 8: Earth’s Climate Crisis Study Guide with Dr. Ryan Cumming, program director, Theological Ethics, Education, and Community Engagement
  • Oct. 22: Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture with Dr. Richard Perry, emeritus faculty, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

The cost is $20 per person or $80 per congregation (includes all the sessions). Learn more.