Rachel Holsten has been on staff since August 2022. Originally from Iowa, she is a graduate of Wartburg College (B.A. in Communications) and a graduate of Luther Seminary (M.A. in Children, Youth and Family Ministries). Rachel has worked in various roles as a youth director in the Minneapolis Area and Eastern North Dakota synods. She has been the administrative assistant to the Provost of the University of Jamestown as well as the Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Marketing at St. Thomas University. Rachel has five generations of ELCA Lutheran pastors in her family and her brother, Steve Biedermann, is a pastor in the Saint Paul Synod. Rachel lives in Stillwater with her husband, Lucas, and golden retriever Yogi. Rachel enjoys arts and crafts and a good cup of coffee.
In her role as administrative assistant and event planner Rachel:
- provides front line support to the synod office by answering phones and email
- helps coordinate and plan synod events ranging from synod assembly, boundaries trainings, ministeriums, group meetings in the synod conference room and other gatherings
- helps plan candidacy committee meetings and organizes paperwork for the candidacy process
- organizes travel needs through Bega Kwa Bega in helping groups form the correct documents and deadlines needed for travel
- assists the group of developers and redevelopers in paperwork needed for grants as well as attending and coordinating their meetings
- oversees the synod’s database of rostered ministers and assists with updating the directory