For everything there is a season. Sometimes the most difficult step in moving into a new time is knowing when and what to let go. It takes courage to set a ministry or a program aside, even for a time, so that there might be room for something new to bloom. Join us for a day of listening for where God is making room in your context, practice letting go, get comfortable with failure, and reconnect with the Spirit’s gift of experimenting in the Body of Christ. Worship, share some great food (including communion), and build relationships with other congregations wrestling with the same questions you are.
The synod’s Vitality Team invites congregational pastors, deacons, leaders to join us for what is going to be an amazing day that will empower you to continue and lead in your ministry setting towards the future God is calling you to. Come and receive practical, contemplative, embodied, and liturgical tools to help you feel at peace with God’s direction for you (and your faith community) and for the whole church today.
This is intended for groups from congregations (councils, outreach teams, leadership teams, etc.) but you are also welcome to come alone – you will be able to fully participate as an individual! The cost is $15 per person. Questions? Email Justin Grimm at