The days are short, the nights are long, and sunset comes early. For me, that’s a signal for an end-of-the-year review and thanksgiving. Did I make any commitments I have yet to fulfill? Are there items on my “To Do in 2024” list that need attention? And how about finances – do I have space in my budget to give some thank offerings?

If you find yourself in that place of abundance, here are some ideas for Bega Kwa Bega year-end gifts:

  • Discretionary Fund – funds are disbursed at the authorization of the Executive Committee, in cases of urgent medical need. This fund has been used in recent weeks to assist with an urgent medical need for a diocese leader. Your gifts will help replenish this fund.
  • Program Support – This fund supports staffing the Iringa office year-round, including rent, stipend, communication allowances for Iringa Diocese members of the BKB team, and a strong internet connection to facilitate communication between companions.
  • Equity Funds – The Equity Scholarship Fund pays school fees for students in parishes that don’t have a U.S. companion; the Parish Equity Fund provides pastors in those parishes with a pikipiki (motorcycle) to support their travel between village congregations.
  • Planting More Hope – there’s still time to contribute to the Fall Festival offering in support of matching travel awards for young adults visiting our global companions.
  • Bega Kwa Bega Endowment – your gifts invest in the future sustainability of BKB.

To contribute to any of these funds (other than Planting More Hope/Fall Festival), give online here or please write your check payable to the Saint Paul Area Synod and then indicate that specific BKB fund in the memo. Checks should be mailed to Saint Paul Area Synod, P.O. Box 64689, St. Paul MN 55164-0689.

With deep gratitude for the individuals, congregations, and community that support BKB,

Kirsten Levorson
Director of Bega Kwa Bega