EcoFaith Network | Part-Time

The EcoFaith Network Communication Coordinator is a part-time, shared position of the Northeastern Minnesota Synod’s EcoFaith Network with the St. Paul Area Synod’s Care of Creation Work Group. The Communication Coordinator coordinates all forms of on-line communication and publicity, and maintains databases. They are invited to participate in group meetings as their schedule permits.

Responsibilities include:

  • Online communication. Monitor the Ecofaith email; maintain and promote an active NE Minnesota EcoFaith Network Facebook page; the Pollinator Project Facebook Group; and provide relevant information to the NE MN Synod Communications Coordinator
  • Green Blades Rising Monthly Newsletter – gather material, develop, and publish newsletter
  • Provide EcoFaith/creation care announcements to both synod offices
  • Maintain the website
  • Serve as registrar for the EcoFaith Summit, special forums, and the EcoFaith leadership retreat
  • Promote the EcoFaith Summit and other events through on-line publicity, especially Constant Contact
  • Receive and maintain database information

An average of 25 hours per month, which varies depending on time of year.

View full job description

How to apply: Inquiries and resume preferred by December 15th, email and