Later this month, our Cluster Leaders will be sharing two reports with Saint Paul Area Synod congregations: the list of students sponsored by the congregation, and a financial report of companion funding for general, scholarship, and travel accounts. What will you see in those reports?

I see a lot of human potential in the lists of students attending secondary schools or vocational training. Imagine their capacity to support families, bring skill to their workplaces, and contribute to their society well into the future.

I see a commitment to evangelism in the number of “TEE” classes included. Theological Education by Extension classes train lay evangelists in each parish.

I see good stewardship in the careful budgeting done by parish leaders as they assess the need of each student and allocate funds. Per agreements between the diocese and synod, some students meet the criteria for 100% payment of fees, while others qualify for 70% or 50%. Students who are waiting for national exam results (indicated by the “W” in the column for form/grade) have funds set aside for their next level of study.

I see generosity and accompaniment in the gifts shared by SPAS congregations. The general church accounts show a broad variety of projects undertaken together… from motorcycles that facilitate a pastor’s work, to chapel construction, and projects that support health and wellness.

Sometimes the financial reports show a relationship that needs tending. If your reports record a growing balance and few recent disbursements, let’s have a conversation. Perhaps your companions aren’t aware of the gifts they’ve been given. Our BKB office can reach out to parish leaders, ask for a project proposal, and start the ball rolling so that resources can be put to good use.

In between the columns of numbers, I see what our companion congregations value.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

Thanks be to God,

Kirsten Levorson
Director of Bega Kwa Bega