The Guatemala Friends group at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (OSLC) in Circle Pines was honored to host Pastor Beatriz Castillo and Diego Gil, representatives from ILAG, for a potluck dinner and update presentation on Sept. 20. During this time of fellowship and learning, members of OSLC had the opportunity to meet Pastor Beatriz and Diego and hear directly from them about the work of ILAG. Interested in how this evening impacted someone who has not been part of a delegation visit, I asked retired Pastor Ron Letnes a few questions about his thoughts and “take-aways” after the event.

Ron and his wife Linda have financially supported ILAG and OSLC’s partnership with San Isidro Labrador over the years. Ron attended because he wanted to learn more about this ministry and our partnership. He appreciated learning about the different ILAG congregations, ILAG ministries, and the Colegio Luterano Agustino (CLAG), ILAG’s elementary school in Guatemala City. He found the video presentation about CLAG to be very informative and helpful and Pastor Beatriz and Diego’s presence and words to be assuring and inspiring. Having them with us for an evening lent a “personableness” to the ministry.

After learning more about ILAG and its ministries (education, leadership development, health, sustainable agriculture), Ron summed up his take-aways as follows:

“[ILAG] is broadly mission-focused, in that the church not only preaches but also educates in order to help the faithful live more securely and bountifully in the world. The church in Guatemala feeds the soul, mind and body. This is holistic ministry.” He “celebrates OS’s [Our Savior’s] commitment.”

Ron’s feedback highlighted the importance of creating opportunities to proclaim what we have seen and heard on our walk together with our Guatemalan brothers and sisters and to celebrate the fellowship that is rooted in Christ.

Deanine Mann
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Circle Pines